Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

Who's our GPS...

"I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." (Gal 5:16)

GPS or Global Positioning System is so helpful when we want to go to some place, near or far, or even to a place that we barely know.
GPS can guide us through the way without any traffics, or the way without highways. For drivers who's likely to get lost while driving, GPS will be so helpful.
In the other word, GPS will guide and give instructions for what are we going to do next.
When we follow where the GPS guide us,we will get to that place, even a place that we've never been before.

It's pretty much the same like the function of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is commanded by the Father to guide all the believers.
Like the verse above says that Holy Spirit wil guide where we go and what we have to do. And when we walk with Holy Spirit, the result is: love, joy, peace, patience, longsuffering, kindness, faithfulness,gentleness,and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
And when our lives can bring all the fruits of spirit, what will happend is people will come to us, they want to know what is our lives secret or they want to "eat" the fruits from our lives.
And at that time, the name of Jesus will be glorified through our lives.
Yes, let us be the open letter to others.

Roh Kudus penolong kami, mempukan kami untuk dapat melewati badai dan rintangan hidup, sehingga kami akan menjadi cahaya dan berkat bagi semua orang...



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